Moo Takrai – Pork with lemongrass

RECIPE: Moo Takrai – Pork with Lemongrass

100 gr minced pork
1 clove garlic very finely chopped
1 st
1 stalk lemongrass very finely chopped
3 stalks lemongrass
1 stalk coriander sliced finely
1 kaffir lime leaf sliced very finely
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/4 tablespoon salt
1/4 tablespoon pepper
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
200gr tempura flour
1/4 egg
500ml cooking oil

Mix the pork, garlic, finely chopped lemongrass, kaffir lime leaf, coriander, sugar, salt and pepper, soy sauce and tempura flour and egg into mixing bowl. Divide into 3 portions and wrap around the lemongrass stalks. Then deepfry and serve with sweet chili sauce.